Thursday, August 4, 2011

North Korea

Last night I tweeted:

"In N.Korea having a Bible,saying God or Jesus & meeting as believers
are all punishable by death. Pray for the 1.48% believers to persevere."

4 Days ago it was placed on my heart to buy Operation World; it is a book of all the nations and described as "The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation". I would HIGHLY recommend it. I have always had a passion for missions and would love to someday head into the mission field, if the Lord would have it that way. The first night I had it I just read through the pages. I looked at America. I looked at Scotland because my friend had just been on a mission trip there for the summer. I looked at the unreached people groups. It was amazing and my heart hurt for the world. Then I found a prayer guide in the book which allows you to pray for all of the nations which I have now challenged myself to read the book every night and learn more of the nations and how I can pray for them. August 3 & 4, we were to pray for North Korea. I never imagined what I would read which led me to tweet and pray .... "In N.Korea having a Bible,saying God or Jesus &meeting as believers are all punishable by death. Pray for the 1.48% believers to persevere." I can't imagine.

Funny and amazing how God worked everything to tug on my heart today because after reading this and praying for the Christians in North Korea, their government and also the starving people since only 15% of their land is arable, I read this on twitter by John Piper:

"If you don't know Communism from the gulags or the iron curtain, look long at North Korea, and pray."

I challenge you to take a look at this but not only that. Later one of my friends posted this webpage on facebook by A small girl with a MIGHTY testimony. It had me in tears. My heart is hurting for North Korea. I am praying that God would send laborers there, that the leaders in the nation would know and see the love of Christ. I know God is the God of the nations, not just America. He has a plan for North Korea. I pray for the Christians there that they would have courage and perseverance and faith. I pray that God would work in mighty ways over there and I pray that your heart would pray these things also!