Tuesday, May 25, 2010


For those of you who didn’t know…my new job is that I am the head women’s lacrosse coach at college. It’s been really neat, the whole process of the Lord guiding me here and I have really enjoyed my job so far! But here’s the kicker:

I have 4 PLAYERS!!

Many wonder, how many play during a game of lacrosse? 12!!!

Interesting…things just aren’t quite adding up, but I know that the Lord will provide! I know I am a little bit anxious but I am praying that the Lord really will do what is best for me whether that means a full team or not! So if you are reading this and you have some free time: PRAY!! I am praying that the Lord will provide at least 12 more girls by the end of the summer!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

good days..

Yesterday was a good day:

--I woke up in a new house with new roommates
--Went to my new job--Chicfila breakfast run on the way
--Met with a recruit who definitely wants to come to Shorter =)
--Got a phone call from a girl accepting a scholarship offer =)
--Got a phone call saying a girl isn't coming to Shorter =( (God is totally in control!)
--Laid in a small twin bed with my sister and made cat noises/harmonized in the most ugliest way ever while my new roommate Christy was listening in the other room (I have now come out of my shell and she knows how goofy we are!)
--Annndd had a wonderful visit from my boyfriend Sam who just came from his staff meetings in Gville! =)

Such a great day! God is good and provides in so many ways, through the good and the bad..the disappointing things and the uplifting things! "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."--Isaiah 55:9