Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I've decided that I am so unaware, as I believe most of us in America are. We are unaware of things outside of us, outside of our houses, outside of our towns, outside of our country. We are unaware that people in India have to walk 7-12 miles in order to get to a well for water, whereas we walk to the nearest sink or refridgerator. We are unaware that sex trafficing is a HUGE issue outside of America, but it is also a HUGE issue in Atlanta, GA. We are unaware that children in South Africa are starving whereas we are spending tons of money on fast food, and food that we sometimes end up just throwing away. I was so convicted when I went to Passion 2011, a Christian conference in Atlanta. The Lord really placed a burden on my heart for others.

I went to South Africa in 2008 and was awakened with a new sense of the world, but somehow being back in America, I have become numb again. Numb to spending my money on worldy things, things that I don't really need at all. God is not just the God of America, God is the God of the nations, of the universe. I know he is provider but I feel I am called to give also!

“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Matthew 25:45,46

I believe this starts with being aware. I want to see the needs of this world. I am challenging myself to start reading the newspaper, to start watching the news. To reach out, because I do think one person can make a difference. I am going to send all of my tshirts to children in another country who will be given them for free (this is my thought, if you know an organization that does this, please let me know!!). I just pray that God will use Christians to do these things so that others "may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven" Matt. 5:16

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