I've been reading this book called "A Praying Life" by Paul Miller and it is completely changing my life. I have always had a hard time praying and have just thought: "I'm just bad at it." I am always distracted and can't keep focused. I have tried praying outloud, journaling, praying with eyes open, closed, etc. But it always ends the same. I become distracted so I just quit. I feel like I have to.
I have learned A TON from "A Praying Life" but one things I am focusing in on is this concept: when you are praying and random thoughts of distraction come into your head- pray about those thoughts...because that is what is really on your heart. That is so true! Why did I not think of that? This concept has changed my prayer life.
Last week was our first team Bible study- 13/20 girls on my team came (such an answer to prayer). We listened to a sermon called Four Chairs (I highly recommend it). I ordered pizza for us but when the pizza guy came he didn't have what I ordered. He gave us 2 boxes instead of 3 and charged us too much money. I was very frustrated and apologized to my girls. After Bible Study on the way home I prayed for the girls: that they would know where they stood before the Lord, that God would change their hearts and pizza, pizza, pizza. I could not stop thinking about the pizza mishap. Every five seconds I would think about it. I was tempted to stop praying but instead I prayed: "God, thank you for even just providing two pizzas, Im frustrated that there wasnt enough but it wasnt the delivery guys fault. The girls reacted fine to it. Please clear my anxious heart of messing up in front of the girls. I just thank you for the pizza we had." It was like magic, except not magic because I know it was God. My mind was done with pizza and I was able to freely and clearly pray for the girls for the next 15 minutes. It was incredible.
Another thing the book focuses on is praying like a child; asking what you want. There are some things we don't think to pray for. A girl on my team is having BIG knee problems. The doctors cant find anything wrong and the MRIs come back negative. Now, the girl and I are teaming up and praying for 2 weeks straight that God would heal her knee and lessen the pain. My prayer is that God would heal her that she might see more of God's greatness and grandness and when she is healed we will know where to give the credit. I've never thought to pray for an injury. She will continue going to the training room but everyday we will also beg the Lord to heal her! I'm excited to see where this goes!
I HIGHLY recommend "A Praying Life." It is a phenomenal book. I have learned so much and can't wait to read the rest!
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