The beginning of our week we got all of our gear in, this is a picture of our team shirts to wear to practice weights and running. We had our first fall ball tournament on September 25 and thankfully our gear came in on time!

We had morning running Monday through thursday this week. I thought my team definitely needed conditioning before our tournament, and so we were up every morning at 6am ready to run! Thursday I surprised them and held up two envelopes; they had to pick one to figure out their workout...they were dreading it. It was such a joy to me to see their faces and hear their cheers when they found out their workout was: team breafast at Chickfila on coach. So we rested from running and had some great team time at our fav restaurant. If you notice in the picture...there actually isnt a table there: they were totally goofing off as always.
Thursday we also had team Bible study. EVERYONE showed up. I made them food and we talked about the lies of this world. We cut out pictures in magazines of diet ads and style watches and what not to wears and things that tell us success is life.We talked about how easily we can be deceived and the very first original lie with satan in the garden of Eden. I got to share my testimony and talk about how we can even be deceived that we are Christians when we may not be. I hope they took it in and thought about it! Praise the Lord that they were there to hear the gospel. God is good.
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Friday was crazy. A fundraiser. I ordered 300 boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts to sell at Shorter. We realized it was going to be a LARGE task. This is a picture of the boxes in my car..I had to lay all the seats down in my SUV and I had just enough room to breath in the front and drive them from ATL to Rome. We sold them at Shorter, Kroger and then I went door hopping from one business to another trying to sell them. We sold all but about 35. I would say that is pretty good!
That night the girls came over to my house. My dad grilled out chicken for them and I made some pasta and salads to get ready for our tournament. They hung out and swam in the pool and we had some good quality team time.
FIRST TEAM TOURNAMENT: Shorter vs. Reinhardt, Shorter vs KSU
Shorter vs. KSU: We played an AWESOME game. It was our second game in the row...with ONLY one sub and we were winning at half time 4-2. We ended up losing 7-8 but I see it as such a victory because we had such an awesome day and played REALLY well the second game!

This morning(Sunday), to top my week off I ran a 5k with my friend Jordan Newberry! The Duluth Fall Festival 5k. We came 3rd and 4th in our age group and ran it in like 27:05. We accidently sprinted the first mile...I will NEVER do that again...it burned me out! Jordan even got a medal!!

Today I was exhausted from my long week. Long week=Long blogpost. So I decided to rest. And I know I can only find true rest in the Lord. "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him." Psalm 62:1 So I finished the night with studying the Word. A small group Im in is studying Jonah and I am so excited because I know I am going to learn so much.
I've learned that in the historical context of Jonah the Northern Kingdom (Israell) is enjoying a time of peace and prosperity, worshipping God and enjoying him OUTWARDLY but INTERNALLY they are in a state of social, moral and religious decay. Jonah is reflecting this great problem. Jonah has a great problem in his heart. There is a discrepancy between his words and actions and his mind and his heart....Jonah is not living in harmony with God-- Jonahs heart reflects anger and selfishness while God's reflects mercy and compassion.
So the book of Jonah (and Im just learning about the introduction right now!) is to move us toward self-reflection...Is my heart living in harmony with God's heart? Do my actions reflect my doctrine and theology?
Think about it. Pray about it. Seek God's Word about it.
Now I have to go to bed. Goodnight hectic week, can't wait to see how this next one will be!
I read your post yesterday and so enjoyed hearing what you've been up to and what you've been learning and everything! Haha!!! I totally didn't notice they didn't have a table until you metioned it! *Oblivious* LOL So glad everything is working out well! Keep me posted on your life! Love you blog!! Have a great day!!