Sunday, August 29, 2010


God has been doing so much in my heart lately and I am learning so much about viewing God, myself and the world through the lens of the gospel. And it's clicking..finally haha. A little bit that is.. This was so cool to learn today: (Most of this post you are going to say duh, Brittni. how did you not get that?? But it just really hit my heart today like whoa.)

The gospel: Christ was our substitute, he died on the cross so that we may be seen as perfect. He lived the life we should have lived(a perfect one) and died the death we should have died(the death of sinners). Ok, but I'm starting to realize that I am not viewing EVERYTHING through the light of the gospel..and I should. Some time ago, someone said to me..every issue is a gospel issue. I believe this is true, and I said I believed it but I don't think I really really did.

Viewing prayer in light of the gospel: How do we know that God hears our prayer? Well, I've always just claimed scripture for this question (Jer. 29:12,13..etc.), but viewing this in light of the gospel makes SO MUCH SENSE! We know that God will answer our prayer in the same way that we know we are perfect before the Lord through the gospel. On one terrible day, God did not answer Jesus when Jesus called to God; He was forsaken (Matthew 27:46). Jesus was our substitute. We are the ones who deserve to be forsaken and to have our prayers rejected. Why? How could we call upon a righteous God as ones so flawed? We can't...without Christ. God is just in this. 2 Corinthians 5:21--Without Christ, God's righteousness would guarantee that He not hear our prayers. With Christ, God's righteousness guarantees that He will!!

This is why petition (asking God of things in our life) unburdens our heart-when combined with the gospel. We know God hears our prayer and He will answer according to His will (which may or may not allign with ours at the time). Thats why when Jesus teaches us to pray it starts with "Our Father." God is our FATHER, only because of the gospel. We come to Him as his CHILD, his loved children, adopted to His family..How can you not love this??? It is amazing. So amazing.

And so it clicked. Finally. And all it is is the gospel, the thing that I think I know and understand but yet keep learning soooo much about daily.


  1. just what i needed to read today. thanks, friend. i haven't been believing the gospel lately, and i didn't even realize it until i was halfway through reading your latest post. believing the Gospel, taking God at His Word--that I am forgiven and His forever--changes everything. I think my whole day will be different least it should. :)

  2. Wow! I think it just clicked a little bit for me too. :) It's so amazing and I think far too often I forget what Jesus and God did for me. Thank you for the reminder! :) Have a great Monday!!!
