I just got a job in the real world: the Head Women's Lacrosse Coach at Shorter University and I am learning to trust the Lord in all things! Join me as I learn to glorify God by enjoying him in everything I do. I hope you get a glimpse of my life as I fight to know more of Christ daily and make him known to others!
Friday, December 23, 2011
joyful noise
"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music." Psalm 98:4
This little girl is so awesome to me! She really is just shouting for joy-or just shouting...but hey, I would have fun doing that! If you start the clip at :40 you will be able to get a good idea of her awesomeness. This made me literally laugh out loud. Things I love about the video and things to take note:
1. The embarrassing looks of the kids all around her.
2. The child in the manger is a real baby, and sleeps through the entire thing.
3. It was filmed 15 years ago.
4. The "girl" in the blue playing Mary, is actually a little boy!!
5. She didn't sing like that in the rehearsal so her mom told her to "sing louder."
**I got all of these facts from the youtube page. So awesome!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made." Romans 1:20
Through God's creation, we can see His glory, beauty and splendor. I love it. While in Colorado, I got to go skiing, ice skating on a frozen lake, and hiking up the beautiful mountains! It was amazing. God is so evident in all of creation!
I'm still learning how to use my camera - I love this photo below but I have to learn how to get rid of the sunspots! Hopefully I will learn how and then post some more photos!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
my mind in this moment
Stories. They are so unique and important. We, as human beings, are so incredibly drawn to stories. That's why we go to movies. That's why when we aren't going to the movies we are reading books. That's why 9 times out of 10 in our conversations we are telling a story: of the past, the present, or dreams of the future. The coolest part about stories I think is that God knew this very thing. That's why the Bible is the coolest story that could have ever been written, a story of redemptive history starting with the creation of Adam and Eve. That's why God revealed His word in a book for all to read. That's why Jesus himself taught in parables (stories). That's why the gospel is centered around the greatest story that was ever to be written: that God sent His Son to come and die on the cross for our sins so that He could defeat and conquer death and allow us to be covered in His righteousness, that we may be seen as holy before God.
There are so many stories. There are stories in my life that I want to remember forever: stories of redemption, stories of the lives of the people that I run into by God's grace, stories of how God is daily sanctifying me and changing my life dramatically every day. And my mind keeps going back to a photograph. Photograph's can capture a moment in time; a moment to remember, the moments in my life I don't want to forget.
This week on my week off I am really excited about a project I have thought of. I am going to develop the pictures of the girls who are on my lacrosse team and put them in a photo album. I am excited because I am going to write about them...not just facts, but the dreams I have for their lives and where I hope and pray God will lead them in the future.
And with photography, my mind goes back to a camera. I am considering buying one. And I don't mean a digital camera. But a good, nice, expensive (yikes) camera. One that I can have forever to capture the moments of happiness, joy, suffering and surprise of life. That can travel with me and my lacrosse team right now and hopefully to a mission field one day to capture the lives of others to share with the world. I am praying to see if it is a good investment of my money, so this may end up being one of my big dreams but who knows...maybe I could become quite the photographer.
Some photos that have captured my heart:

Taken by: Natalie Parkman
Taken from a blog by: Alicia Keel
(I love this picture and I will eventually blog about it. It has so much significance and purpose-I'm excited to share about it!)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
the most effective thing...
One day I was driving home from school and going to stop at Walmart to buy some food to take home and eat. As I was driving, on the corner of the street I saw a man standing on the side of the road with a sign that said: Single dad, two kids. So I stopped and asked him if I could get him food. I went to walmart and bought as much as I could to help this man and his family through Thanksgiving. Some people might say I am naive, that I am unwise, that that man only wants money, but my heart breaks for the homeless and the poor and I felt the Lord calling me to help him out in any way I could (who knew that that man would eventually be the one to help me). I got the food I bought and brought it to him. Before I could say anything, the first thing he said was: "Ma'am, do you know Jesus?" My heart filled with joy and I said yes sir, I do. And the next thing he said was: "I truly appreciate this, but what I really need are your prayers." I was in in awe. This man truly trusted Jesus. He trusted that the Lord would provide for his family and that by asking God for help, God would be there. We talked a little longer, and my heart continued to grow for him, but when I walked away I could not stop thinking about his first two sentences.
I thought about my heart. When I saw this man on the side of the road, I didn't even think to pray for him. When I got the milk and the bread and the fruit...I didn't even think to pray for him. How could I think that small measly me could fix all of his problems by getting a load of food for him and his family. I can't. But God can. God can provide food, God can provide Ken a job, God can provide for his 6 yr old daughter Kayla and 4 yr old son Ben. Why didn't I turn to the Lord?
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16
Prayer is EFFECTIVE. Period. It is effective. It works. It moves. It is the most effective thing we can do. Rely on, trust in, depend on, and ask a HUGE God who can do anything and who has created all of who we are and who we will be. Prayer is POWERFUL. Period. It is powerful. It is mighty. It is strong. It is bigger than us. So what is the most effective and powerful thing we can do for our friends, family, the needy, the broken, the hungry? PRAY. I'm not saying that I am never going to give food to the needy again, but I will lift them in prayer as I do whatever I can to help them. I think prayer will lead us to action. Because we can do way more with the help of God than we ever could on our own.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
my messy car
Now in life we are called to be good stewards. In the words of my favorite rapper Lecrae, "If you making money hope you doing it right because the money is Gods you better steward it right." We always think of money when we think about stewardship but I am starting to think about other things. Do I steward my money well, my time well, and my car....No I dont and here's how.
I have a job in which I am always around people. I love hanging out with my friends in Rome, and my co-workers but especially my team. I love the girls I coach and we are frequently going out to meals together and if anyone wants to ride with me...they can't. It's too full...with junk. Recently a girl broke her thumb during practice and I had to rush her to the ER. I had to stop carrying her for second and run to my car and push everything from the front the the back. It took 1 minute that we could have used getting her to the hospital. Next, the team left the ball bag (very heavy for one person) at the gym and one girl who stayed behind had to carry it to the field. And..she didn't have a car. I stopped to give her a ride but there was no where for her to sit. Wow.
My car is from the Lord because "to him and through him and from him are all things" (Rom 11:36). I am called to be a good steward of all things. My car is a vehicle for helping girls who dont have cars, being able to handle emergencies efficiently, and just hanging out with friends to share fun experiences. I am going to clean my car and keep it clean. So I challenge you, what are the things that you are overlooking that you could steward well for the Lord? Mine is my car (and alot of other things) but I will focus on one small thing at a time!
Friday, October 7, 2011
when i have wrinkles
Friday, September 23, 2011
my sister
She was my very first sister.
She was my very first friend.
She was the first person to physically abuse me(haha).
She was the first person to run me into a column in our house busting my lip and giving me a black eye (example of the physical abuse haha).
She was the first person I pushed off the slide and accidently broke her collarbone (oops!).
She was the first person I hugged and cried to after we almost got into a car accident together.
She's my sister.
Every year for about 8 years in a row from age 4-11 we sang this song at every single church talent show...EVERY YEAR.
We dressed alike almost everyday from ages 3-12 (embarassing) but we dealt with it. And to this day I am still the cute one and she's just my sister.
Lauren and I grew so close since we went to college. Through high school we argued all the time and never got along. We still have tifts but she and I have both grown phenomenally in learning to read each other and understand each other in a way only sisters can. I love her so much! She means the world to me! God has grown or relationship so much and I am so thankful!
Here are some flashbacks from our past:

This is Lauren holding our little sister Anna Kate.

This is Lauren and I have no idea what she is doing...I think she stole the noodle from me!

This is Lauren and I modeling our boogey boards-alittle blurry but this pic is priceless!

I am Jasmine and she is a Cat!! (WHISKERS)

I think this is the first day of school one year. I feel like I can say with confidence that we have both grown in our fashion sense! Thank goodness!!

Lauren and I in high school!

And all of us now!! Happy Birthday Lauren!! Love ya!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
This is the verse we went over in a small group I lead that is made of of 11th grade girls. We talked alot about giving sacrificially- do we give our heart, time, and money to the Lord to "just get by"? Or do we give further in order to allow us to rely more on Him.
The two copper coins that this woman gave which would have been equivalent to about $1.50 is about the amount of what her next meal would have cost. This woman, destitute, and poor, gave the amount of money that I am sure was a stretch for her but she did it cheerfully and with a faith-filled heart. Do we stretch ourselves daily to give more to God in our time, heart, and money?
I think about my walk with Christ. Do I do just enough or do I do more? Sometimes I look at people and think that they look complacent (me comparing) and I think: I read my Bible daily, I pray, I memorize scripture, I live my life for God. But here's the real question: Can I be complacent in my "living my life for God"? I think so. We can get into a daily routine and get used to the good things we are doing. Instead I should be saying: How can I learn more of God, how can I love others more, how can I preach more of the gospel to myself, how can I glorify God in my daily life more, and how can I fight and see more of my sin? Notice the word: more. I don't want to get to a certain point in my life and stop growing or stop knowing more of God than I could. So we give sacrificially more.
This week in small group, we challenged ourselves to really guard our time with Jesus. And sacrificially spend more time than we normally would with him. We challenged each other to when we wake up before showering, putting on makeup, changing clothes, etc we would pull out our Bible and spend time with Christ. So even if we are running late, we spend time with Jesus first!! I can't wait to see how this plays out for me and for the girls!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
come to me
We talked about this in Bible study last night and thought about what we spend our money and labor on which does not satisfy. Our list included: phones, Facebook, school(sometimes), guys,etc. The next question was how do you know if you are putting those things before Jesus? As a group we came up with these questions to ask yourself:
Do you text more than you read your Bible?
When you go to bed and wake up in the morning do you run straight to Jesus or you makeup?
Do you study the word of God before the word of man(school)?
Would you say no to hang out with a guy if you hadn't spent time with Jesus yet?
Do you curse more Than you pray?
These are just some of the questions we asked ourselves. Then we each picked one that we knew applied to us- told a friend to help keep each other accountable and were going to think about this all during the week. So join us if you want! Pick a question and instead of looking to something to satisfy you- Instead Isaiah 53 say to "Incline your ear, and come to me ; hear, that your soul may live." So we come to Jesus and pray that Jesus would change our heart and help us fight our sins. Our only instruction is "come to me;hear"- we need to go to Jesus and listen;he will satisfy. And in the end we are grateful because he has already done all the work so that we may live.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
pizza, pizza, pizza
I have learned A TON from "A Praying Life" but one things I am focusing in on is this concept: when you are praying and random thoughts of distraction come into your head- pray about those thoughts...because that is what is really on your heart. That is so true! Why did I not think of that? This concept has changed my prayer life.
Last week was our first team Bible study- 13/20 girls on my team came (such an answer to prayer). We listened to a sermon called Four Chairs (I highly recommend it). I ordered pizza for us but when the pizza guy came he didn't have what I ordered. He gave us 2 boxes instead of 3 and charged us too much money. I was very frustrated and apologized to my girls. After Bible Study on the way home I prayed for the girls: that they would know where they stood before the Lord, that God would change their hearts and pizza, pizza, pizza. I could not stop thinking about the pizza mishap. Every five seconds I would think about it. I was tempted to stop praying but instead I prayed: "God, thank you for even just providing two pizzas, Im frustrated that there wasnt enough but it wasnt the delivery guys fault. The girls reacted fine to it. Please clear my anxious heart of messing up in front of the girls. I just thank you for the pizza we had." It was like magic, except not magic because I know it was God. My mind was done with pizza and I was able to freely and clearly pray for the girls for the next 15 minutes. It was incredible.
Another thing the book focuses on is praying like a child; asking what you want. There are some things we don't think to pray for. A girl on my team is having BIG knee problems. The doctors cant find anything wrong and the MRIs come back negative. Now, the girl and I are teaming up and praying for 2 weeks straight that God would heal her knee and lessen the pain. My prayer is that God would heal her that she might see more of God's greatness and grandness and when she is healed we will know where to give the credit. I've never thought to pray for an injury. She will continue going to the training room but everyday we will also beg the Lord to heal her! I'm excited to see where this goes!
I HIGHLY recommend "A Praying Life." It is a phenomenal book. I have learned so much and can't wait to read the rest!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
North Korea
"In N.Korea having a Bible,saying God or Jesus & meeting as believers
are all punishable by death. Pray for the 1.48% believers to persevere."
4 Days ago it was placed on my heart to buy Operation World; it is a book of all the nations and described as "The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation". I would HIGHLY recommend it. I have always had a passion for missions and would love to someday head into the mission field, if the Lord would have it that way. The first night I had it I just read through the pages. I looked at America. I looked at Scotland because my friend had just been on a mission trip there for the summer. I looked at the unreached people groups. It was amazing and my heart hurt for the world. Then I found a prayer guide in the book which allows you to pray for all of the nations which I have now challenged myself to read the book every night and learn more of the nations and how I can pray for them. August 3 & 4, we were to pray for North Korea. I never imagined what I would read which led me to tweet and pray .... "In N.Korea having a Bible,saying God or Jesus &meeting as believers are all punishable by death. Pray for the 1.48% believers to persevere." I can't imagine.
Funny and amazing how God worked everything to tug on my heart today because after reading this and praying for the Christians in North Korea, their government and also the starving people since only 15% of their land is arable, I read this on twitter by John Piper:
"If you don't know Communism from the gulags or the iron curtain, look long at North Korea, and pray. http://dsr.gd/phrEBk"
I challenge you to take a look at this but not only that. Later one of my friends posted this webpage on facebook by desiringgod.com. A small girl with a MIGHTY testimony. It had me in tears. My heart is hurting for North Korea. I am praying that God would send laborers there, that the leaders in the nation would know and see the love of Christ. I know God is the God of the nations, not just America. He has a plan for North Korea. I pray for the Christians there that they would have courage and perseverance and faith. I pray that God would work in mighty ways over there and I pray that your heart would pray these things also!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
happy 4th...on the 13th!

We decided that every year we are going to do this race..even when we are ol..possibly with strollers if our future holds a family and kids of our own. It was so much fun. And since it was the 4th of July we HAD to make cool outfits and celebrate the birth of America.

Me and JNew- one of the only friends I have that would come up with tis idea and agree with me that it is an absolutely awesome idea!!
I finished celebrating the 4th with my wonderful family, ribs, and card games. What an awesome day: Great friends, GREAT OUTFITS, Great run, Great Family, Great fellowship, and a Great 4th of July.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
If you can't go, go.
According to the bible we are to "go." We are called to make disciples, we are called to share our faith and tell others about jesus. Now some people struggle with this but I actually really enjoy sharing the gospel. I love talking with people about their barriers to knowing more of Jesus. I have a huge passion for missions and have a heart specifically for south Africa and also for Spanish speaking countries. So why don't I go? Well right now I am definitely and feel absolutely called to "go" to Rome, Ga to be the women's lacrosse coach at Shorter University. It is definitely where God has me which is hard because my heart is so inclined to missions. So what? Do I just stay stagnant? Nah. I don't think so.
After a year of my job I can totally say that my job is mission work of itself and it's neat because I can also say that all of my girls have heard the gospel. God is so good and has called girls to himself. 3 girls became believers and there was a consistent 7 girls who came to bible study each week. I also know that one girl is desperately laboring on the team and constantly praying for the harvest before her. It's incredible.
But I still have this heart for people who have never heard of Jesus, for people who have less than me, for people who don't make it to college, can't afford food or a home. My heart is there. Today I heard about this ministry called 3rd street ministries in Rome. What I heard about them: that they set up tents in the run down neighborhoods of Rome across from the drug dealers and share the gospel to the homeless and drug dealers of Rome. That made my heart so excited. I went to their building and got to experience what they do for the community.
They are open 4 hours on Tuesday's and Thursday's to allow families and people from the streets to come and shower and get free clothing (although they are only allowed 40 items a year). While I was there, at least 30 people came in in 30 minutes and he told me that in a month (which they are only open 2 days a week for 2 hours which is 16 hours) 200-300 people come in for showers. Wow. They come in for clothing and don't just received these things but also a bible and the opportunity for a bible study or for discipleship. I am very excited because I'm pretty sure I've decided/am praying that this would be the ministry that our team partners with. I'm excited to partner with a ministry that is taking the gospel to the streets and going. I will definitely be blogging more about this later.
I was just thinking...if you cant go, go. There are places to go. This place was about 5 streets from me. There are people in your neighborhood and in your school and in your city that need to hear the gospel. So let's take it there. I am called to Rome as the women's lacrosse coach and I know that God not only has plans for me, but for my team and for Rome. How exciting.
" When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
what's good?
B. the northern way of saying "What's up?"
C. the absence of evil
D. God
E. All of the above
The answer: E (if you like chocolate chip cookies...which I don't). But let's focus on D.
I really am struggling with God's goodness recently. Not necessarily in my life but my thought process when it comes to saying "God is good." I know He is good. I say He is good. But what is all this based on? Because when I look at my life, my mind, my actions...does my life say he is good? I'm not sure. Until recently I was challenged by a friend that God's goodness is dependent on my circumstances, the circumstances of my life. His goodness is sometimes based on my fruit, and what he gives me only.
For example: Tomorrow, if I went to Starbucks and this super godly guy asked me out I would say: God thank you, you are so good.
BUT- if I do or do not go to Starbucks tomorrow, and do or do not get asked out on a date...Get this: God is STILL good.
I realize that how I feel about God is constantly changing based on the circumstances of my life. But God does not change. He is always the same.
- "For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed." Mal 3:6
- "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17
- "They will perish but you will remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away, but you are the same, and your years have no end." Psalm 102: 26,27
- "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8
God is good. Not because he gives me the strength to make it through the day, not because I get asked out on a date, not because he gives me enough money to support missionaries, not because he allows me to have the righteousness of God, not because I have salvation in Him, not because I woke up this morning, not because I have the ability to study His word, not because he gave me good godly community. God is good, because he is good. Good is his character. And it will always be. God is good if I don't have the strength to make it through the day, if I don't get asked out on a date, if I don't have enough money to support missionaries, if I don't have the righteousness of God, if I don't have salvation, if I didn't wake up in the morning, if I didn't have the ability to study the word, if I don't have good godly community. He is good. Period.
The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7
Monday, June 20, 2011
my summer thus far

This is Krieg. Krieg is three years old and he loves learning. He is very cautious and wants to learn about everything he sees. I have been able to learn so much patience in watching Cat his mom answer all of his questions and really teach him about the things of this world and how God created it to be.

This is Karis. Karis is about a year old and loves the beach, her paci and lamby. She especially loves her mom though. I have come leaps and bounds in relating to this girl and 2 weeks in she is starting to come to me, ask me to pick her up, and have a little fun. We especially bond by rolling around in a bed playing with her lamby!
I have been learning so much about what it means to be a mom. Most of the time I am not just babysitting but spending time with Cat, Karis, and Krieg all together and I have just been watching the many ways to raise a child in a godly home, learning to teach them to "obey, right away with a happy heart", to pray over the kids so that they will see more of God in their sin and disobedience, and to teach of God's creation in everyday life.
These are two girls in my room. They work at McDonalds. I actually don't live in their room...I live in the back of their room in their closet! Haha it is a very small room but actually big enough for me and the other babysitter on project to live there!

This was Stephanie's face when she saw me come through the drive through! Priceless! She was sooo surprised!! She went to PC with me and Ive actually gotten to have some time to get to know her this summer which has been great! We've run together in the mornings and just gotten to spend a good bit of quality time together which has been awesome! Yay for new friends!

Two years ago Ally and I worked at Johnny Rockets and it was so neat to go back and see our co-workers from way back! This is Weezie, she was great and still remembered us. We also got to see Tenisha, Adam, Sarah and a bunch of other JRock employees who we had built relationships with! It was awesome! The coolest part is: Weezie has a sister named Fatso (all nick names of course) who worked at JRock with us but is no longer there but now works at the McDonalds that Ally is working at! Its so neat that Ally still gets to hang with her!
This is Karis and me playing in the Jumping Fountains at Broadway at the Beach. So fun!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Urgent Prayers Needed
Friends, Co-Workers Seek Clues in Search For Missing DC Christian Outreach Worker: MyFoxDC.com
Matt Hill who is on staff with Campus Outreach in Washington, DC has been missing since Tuesday at 11:30am. His car is missing, his cell phone is gone or dead and no one has seen him for almost 72 hours. There has been missing persons report filed but the family really needs prayers!! His brother Daniel Hill is one of my longtime college friends and I am hurting for his family and for Matt whatever might have happened. Please pray that they will find him.
Right now we are really just trusting the Lord, God is "El Roi" ("the God who sees") and we can trust that he knows exactly where Matt is and how this is a part of his will. Please pray and spread the word that prayers are urgently needed. Thanks!
We can already see how God is using this for his glory. Jesus is all over the news. The article above is just one of the many news stories on Matt.
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
a twisted heart
It's hard not knowing what God has for me in life. It's hard not to know what the future holds because I would like to know. I think sometimes its even harder to hope that something might happen when you have no idea. Its like taking a risk in your heart. Hoping something might happen (something you think would be good for you, something you desire) when I really have to be able to say "but God I really do honestly want what you have/desire for me."
I can hope some things but I have to know some things as well. I have to know that no matter what I want, God is going to give me what is best. No matter what I want, God's will is better. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9.
So as I continue to figure out God's will for my life, what he may or may not have for me, I will claim Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desire of your heart." I want to delight myself in Him. I want to delight myself in learning more and more of the truth of the gospel and how my life is not my own (Gal 2:20). Im praying that my twisted and confused heart would become more rooted in the gospel that I would desire only the things the Lord would have for me. I'm praying that God will give me the desire of my heart or the heart of His desire. Im praying that what I want would line up with his will.
I don't have to feel unnerved because my strength, my confidence, my determination, and my courage come from the gospel. These things cannot be based on my circumstances, they must be based and rooted in the truth of the gospel. The gospel is truth and it is good. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Thursday, March 31, 2011
its not about me.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
dont lose yourself
Well, I eat, breath, sleep, and live lacrosse. My job is NOT a 9-5 job. Sometimes I have practice at 6am, sometimes I have practice at 9pm, sometimes I get calls from my players at 12:30am needing help....I do not have a 9-5 job. It is so relational and I love that, I love people which can be a good thing and a bad thing. I really do thrive off of building relationships with others, diving into who they are and what drives them but this also causes me to be a people pleaser in which I sometimes seek the approval of others rather than the Lord.
One of my best friends Bekah Gilliam warned me, I remember her saying..."Take the time to do the things you love, the things you enjoy, the things that make you you. Do these things outside your work environment, if you dont you will lose yourself." These were her exact words..I remember them clearly and they are so wise!
I was convicted because someone recently asked me: what are the things you like to do besides lacrosse? And it made me stop. I couldnt think of anything, because all I see right now is lacrosse. So Im thinking now...the things I love to do:
-painting, Im not great but I love having a canvas and painting things that I see
-taking really long walks while praying or listening to music
-reading fictional books
-playing pickup basketball
-being outside
-playing with kids
I'm sure there are more, but these are just some. The point of this post is to tell everyone who might be close to graduation and moving on to new things: Don't lose yourself. The Lord has created all of us differently to enjoy different things and to meet with him in different ways. Don't let the busyness of your life distract you from being you.
From a recent blogpost by one of my best friends, Lindsay Owens:
Why have I not written in so long?Because my old way of life is creeping back in. And its not okay..... But because I am forgetting what its like to rest in the Lord. I'm numbing my heart to my need for rest. My identity is so easily wrapped up in accomplishing, in having a full schedule..... There is a difference in giving way to busyness, and giving your life away out of an overflow of Christ's love.... I get lost in doing this job, in connecting with people and talking about God and listening to the hearts of others.
I would say this also sums my life up right now. Don't let your job or the busyness of your life distract you from our main focus which should be Christ. As long as we fix our eyes on Christ he will give you the strength to give your life away(do your job well) out of an overflow of Christ's love. Give yourself time away from your job to do the things that God has created you to do whether it be playing an instrument, hiking, or spending time with friends. All if these things are ways to meet and rest in the Lord...Dont compartmentalize. I worship God well by going to a nearby park and swinging while listening to my "Need God" playlist on my ipod. I feel so close to Him when I am there. Give yourself time away everyday to spend time with God however you need, sometimes its reading through His word, sometimes its taking a walk, sometimes its painting a picture. So don't lose yourself, don't give way to busyness. Be who you are and who God has created you to be!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
ode to the po-po
1. They pull me over.
2. They scare me a little bit.
3. They are most of the time really mean to me all the time.
4. I always feel like Im doing something wrong when I see them.
Ok, totally stupid reasons because I guess there are reasons for all of the above:
1. Im speeding or not wearing my seatbelt.
2. They are supposed to be intimidating.
3. I was speeding/breaking the law.
4. I am doing something wrong...aka speeding, etc.
Haha..There is repetition that I should learn from. With all that said..I havent had great experiences with the po-po. I think I have gotten 4 tickets and a warning (ridiculous, I know). I have cried hard at some..and some I've handled like a champ but the result is always the same...a ticket.
But yesterday I had an experience with a policeman that I have never had before. Yesterday my wallet and purse were stolen...dont ask me how bc its a ridiculous story. I had 3 credit cards...my credit card, my debit card, and the SCHOOLS credit card..HUGE ISSUE. So I had to file a police report in order to fix this. I called the police and they sent a cop to my house!!!! I answered the door and he just came in and we sat at my kitchen table! He was the nicest guy ever! We talked and laughed..(because when telling him what I had in my wallet, I said..."a Staples Rewards card"...and he was like...I dont need to know that). It was a good experience. So this is my ode to you, Mr. Police officer. Thank you for allowing me to see that yall are funny and nice and real people who are cool! I know you have a job to do and you do it well!
So yes, it stinks that all of that was stolen, but that morning God placed this in my path:
The truth is, what we call interruptions are precisely our real life, the life God is sending us day by day-CS Lewis
While I may see "stolen wallet", God sees "a way to cause me to trust Him more." This is real life, day by day. God has his hand on all of it!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
With our beautiful bridesmaid dresses she would also like black open toe heels...my first thought: BEAUTIFUL! my second thought: PANIC!
So you may not know me but knoww this...I NEVER wear heels..I wear flipflops and tennis shoes, yup thats about it. And yes I was a sorority girl. With being a sorority girl there is this thing called Pin Attire day. Every Tuesday we were required to wear really cute clothes aka skirts/dresses + you guessed it...heels. So what did I do... I wore heels...kinda: I would take my heels, put them on my feet, walk two feet out the door and then take them off to walk to class and just hold them in my hand. Yes, I was that girl. The one who walked to class with heels in hand. The one who wore flip flops to every sorority formal and semiformal.
But now the day has come, to walk gracefully down the aisle of my best friends wedding, wearing fabulous heels. So how will that be graceful? Well Im thinking practice makes for semiperfection, so I bought my heels yesterday and I plan on trying to wear them whenever I am in my house, to make my breakfast, clean my room, go out to the car, etc and maybe...just maybe Ill get the hang of these things!
Like I said, with relationships/friendships come sacrifice..and this is definitely one I am willing to make!! Haha, I think of it as more of an adventure!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
road trip.
Things included:
8 hour bus ride- now this is the best. We have the laughter..the fighting over what movie to watch next...the girls who don't say a word...the girls who are singing at the top of their lungs although they have in their headphone and no one else can hear the music...the girls who are asleep 5 minutes in.
the games- 13 players= 1 sub. No injuries allowed. My motto to the girls (although totally unrealistic): "If you get hurt, or if you get sick...I will make you run." This is the best threat for results...although in the pretenses of injury and illness it for sure is just "all talk."
vs Methodist- We won! 18-13. It was a close one but the girls fought hard.
vs NCWC- we'll see tomorrow! Game time 12:00!
the meals- there really is something about eating together. We enjoy each others company, get to know each other more. It is great for our team. Reminds me of Acts 2:42-47, all the believers eating and fellowshipping with one another.
Bible study- the girls who have been coming to Bible study have been really enjoying it. Tonight we talked about "not being good enough for God", a hard concept for some, but God is really helping the girls change their worldview...shattering the ones that have been formed by the world. I am so thankful. God is so good.
There's just something about a shared experience like a road trip. The girls are learning more about each other and bonding and just having a good time! Im praying that they continue to grow closer and continue to grow closer to the Lord all the while!
Monday, February 14, 2011
valentine's day
A day to express love to your loved one. A day to be sad. A day to buy chocolate. A day to go on a date. A day to celebrate your marriage. A day buy flowers. A day to give flowers. A day to cry because you have none of the above. A day to celebrate engagement*. A day to spend time with your boyfriend. A day to talk about cupid. A day to wear cute dress up clothes. A day to see pink and red everywhere. A day when Los Palmas decorates with TONS of red heart shaped balloons. A day of birth. A day to miss a loved one. A day to meet someone new.
Valentine's Day to me:
A day to drive 2 hours from seeing my best friend ever. A day to study Philippians and learn more about the God who loves me more than annyyone!! A day to go on a run with Morgan Hosea. A day to enjoy God's warm weather. A day to coach lacrosse practice with my girls. A day to finish preparing the Bible study with lax girls that will start tomorrow.** A day to have dinner with my wonderful family. A day to watch the Bachelor. A day to get a good nights sleep!
Funny that neither of the two match up at all and I am completely content! So thankful that the Lord doesn't allow me to struggle with singleness today with all the "love" in the air. I am so thankful for my life he has given me and the places he has brought me! Remember- "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." (1 John 4:10) This is the greatest love of all, that God loved us so much that he sent his Son to earth to become sin for us so that we may be the righteousness of God....basically so that we can look pure and clean before the Lord...as if we had no sin at all. AMAZING! And that is love.
* Yay for Amy and Caitlin- two of my best friends who just recently got engaged!
**Praying for the eyes, ears and hearts of my lax girls for Bible study tomorrow, that God would allow them to be open for the gospel and change lives! Feel free to join me in that prayer!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I believe that as Christians we often catch our own version of vertigo. When we get scared or feel threatened we ignore the things that were created to comfort us and lead the way..like Scripture or the counsel of others and we decide to trust ourselves, because we believe our plan is better. I have been learning alot about trust lately. Today, in church the preacher walked us through all of this and also said..trust in God and his plan for us is the engine that drives us to obey. I can see in so many ways how that is true. If I trust in my own plan I am more likely to walk away from obedience in Christ because I believe that my plan is best for me instead of God's plan for my life. Although all of God's instruments are telling me one thing I get a sense of vertigo and choose my own route. Sometimes I am too busy writing my own story instead of letting God write His story for me. I have been super challenged by these words in a Christian rap song by Lecrae:
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I went to South Africa in 2008 and was awakened with a new sense of the world, but somehow being back in America, I have become numb again. Numb to spending my money on worldy things, things that I don't really need at all. God is not just the God of America, God is the God of the nations, of the universe. I know he is provider but I feel I am called to give also!
“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Matthew 25:45,46
I believe this starts with being aware. I want to see the needs of this world. I am challenging myself to start reading the newspaper, to start watching the news. To reach out, because I do think one person can make a difference. I am going to send all of my tshirts to children in another country who will be given them for free (this is my thought, if you know an organization that does this, please let me know!!). I just pray that God will use Christians to do these things so that others "may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven" Matt. 5:16